Reading Highlights
In social psychology, after about nine months of little or no contact with someone, your bond weakens.
Instead of thinking of the sum of your Instapaper library as content, think of it as a cognitive load.
There were no good and bad men, Selco writes. Most were in the middle and ready for the worst.
People need serious games as much as they need drama movies.
I'd consider myself a realist, alright? But in philosophical terms I'm what's called a pessimist.
When the heart rules the head, disaster follows.
The things you own end up owning you.
We must not be completely dependent on technology and we must retain the capability for logical thinking and creativity.
Love didn't happen to us. Were in love because we each made the choice to be.
Risk analysis is part of every decision we make. We are constantly faced with uncertainty, ambiguity, and variability.
Beautiful objects are as simple and pure as they are functional.
I hypothesized that the body doesn’t need food itself, merely the chemicals and elements it contains.
Learning and liberty march hand in hand, or they do not march at all: the one is the condition of the other.
We must get to the point where technology works for people, rather than people working for technology.
Cooking should be a hobby, like hunting. People used to hunt for survival, now they just do it for fun.
the thesis represents: a magical process of self-realization, a kind of careful, curious engagement with the world that need not end in one’s early twenties.
The food is eating us.
Never put your family, friends, or significant other low on your priority list. Prefer a handful of truly close friends to a hundred acquaintances.
Minimize your own cognitive load from distracting things that don’t really matter.
The days are long but the decades are short.
Good artists also embrace limitations. Limitations force ingenuity and innovation, as well as push a form forward.
Working in high resolution doesn’t prevent us from making great game art. The things that made pixel art great are the same things that make “HD” art great. Artists must make the decisions, not computers. Instead of hand-placing squares, hand-place curves. Good art is good art, and nothing beats the real deal. Embracing the medium simply ensures that everybody else knows it.
在将民主价值确立为立国基本信念之前,美国人曾在拓荒过程中笃信所谓的“昭昭天命/天定命运”(Manifest Destiny),用极为简单的话来解释,可以理解为美国向西部的边境拓展运动以及由此引发的与印第安原住民、乃至墨西哥之间的血腥战争,都是因为上帝希望美国将自己成熟的社会体系与架构传播至这些未开化/民主的地区。这种信念的产生与西部拓荒活动密不可分,我们甚至可以说,真正构建了现代美国的民族乃至国家信念的,并非立独立宣言,而是西部拓荒这场真正意义上的“建国”过程。时至今日,这种信念仍长存于美国人的血液之中,在完成对北美大陆乃至阿拉斯加、夏威夷等地区的拓展后,“星球大战”计划、“登月”活动本身都是对这场边境开拓活动在另一个空间维度上的延续,而出兵至全世界维护和平、“普及”民主本身则是这一理念在精神层面的延续。
There’s no perfect next move. You just need to know that by moving and learning, it all adds up.
You don't have to be the best but you have to be dangerous.
Over time, as we actually want to connect and need to destress our lives, our tools will facilitate the moments we get together in real life. The faraway friend catch ups will be less often, but will be more intentional.
I am not “faster” using Vim. I do not generate noticeable more code at the end of the day. But I generate it with less effort and caring more about the quality than battling with my keyboard. I am more relaxed, more in control, focused in what matters. Caring about getting stuff done. More productive. That’s Vim killer feature.
美国去年有十万人获得工程学士学位。每年至少有十万人在试图解决某种工程问题。我对她们的恳求如下: 日常生活中那些小小的不便并不是什么重大问题。妳 Twitter 时间线上的世界不是真实世界。妳不能根据所在领域当下的风潮去判断什么是有价值的、什么是有必要去做的。
The net is designed to be an interruption system, a machine geared to dividing attention.
No one would have guessed that the jagged pieces of our soul fit the puzzle in this box. We were considered the left over remnants that had no place, except the picture we wanted to create together.
When you have only a short amount of time, you care about what you do more than ever.
But hyperlinks aren’t just the skeleton of the web: They are its eyes, a path to its soul. And a blind webpage, one without hyperlinks, can’t look or gaze at another webpage — and this has serious consequences for the dynamics of power on the web.
The development of technologies tends to follow an S-Curve: they improve slowly, then quickly, and then slowly again. And at that last stage, they're really, really good. Everything has been optimised and worked out and understood, and they're fast, cheap and reliable. That's also often the point that a new architecture comes to replace them.
The point of this excursion into tech history is that a technology often produces its best results just when it's ready to be replaced - it's the best it's ever been, but it's also the best it could ever be. There's no room for more optimisation - the technology has run its course and it's time for something new, and any further attempts at optimisation produce something that doesn't make much sense.
Maybe it's a factor of getting older, that you’re naturally forced to say goodbye to people and things and ideas more often, and the mixture of loss and regret—the feeling of heartbreak—it gains a kind of stability.
Everything should be built top-down, except the first time.
A unique feature of Vim is that it feels like you can speak with it through a language. For example, there are verbs like d (delete) or y (yank), nouns like b (brackets) or s (sentence), and adverbs like i (inside/inner) or a (a/all/around). You can freely combine them.
Perfect is the enemy of good.
问:为什么社会主义有优越性? 答:因为它成功克服了其它体制里没有的困难。
What is the Fast Web? It’s the out of control web. The oh my god there’s so much stuff and I can’t possibly keep up web. It’s the spend two dozen times a day checking web. The in one end out the other web. The web designed to appeal to the basest of our intellectual palettes, the salt, sugar and fat of online content web. It’s the scale hard and fast web. The create a destination for billions of people web. The you have two hundred twenty six new updates web. Keep up or be lost. Click me. Like me. Tweet me. Share me. The Fast Web demands that you do things and do them now. The Fast Web is a cruel wonderland of shiny shiny things.
Accept and acknowledge and fight the good fight however you can. Sometimes there's more than one way to win, and more than one path that will lead you to your destination.
You enter the first room of the mansion and it’s completely dark. You stumble around bumping into the furniture but gradually you learn where each piece of furniture is. Finally, after six months or so, you find the light switch, you turn it on, and suddenly it’s all illuminated. You can see exactly where you were. Then you move into the next room and spend another six months in the dark. So each of these breakthroughs, while sometimes they’re momentary, sometimes over a period of a day or two, they are the culmination of, and couldn’t exist without, the many months of stumbling around in the dark that precede them.
当我年轻的时候,我记得任何事。不论它是否发生过。— — 马克·吐温
Even if you're not doing anything wrong, you are being watched and recorded. – Edward Snowden
打动我心的,可能就是处于那光辉中心、甚至令人微觉痛楚的幸福感。 —— 村上春树《戴夫·希尔顿的赛季》
Figuring out what to let go of is a life-saving and sanity-retaining skill. Our culture tells us to say “yes!” to everything or we’ll miss out. Now that I give myself permission to stop saying “yes” to everything, I have room for more things I love in my life.
Silence is a great canvas for your thoughts.
We escape into truisms, small talk and distractions. Given the opportunity at a family gathering to share our hopes and disappointments, we talk about the weather and watch TV.
At every touch of his hand, every bending of his shoulder, every step of his feet, every thrust of his knee—swish! swoosh! He guided his blade along with a whoosh, and all was in perfect tune.
Do good work, communicate it properly, people will notice and good things will happen.
Not long ago, surfing the web, however addictive, was a stationary activity. At your desk at work, or at home on your laptop, you disappeared down a rabbit hole of links and resurfaced minutes (or hours) later to reencounter the world. But the smartphone then went and made the rabbit hole portable, inviting us to get lost in it anywhere, at any time, whatever else we might be doing. Information soon penetrated every waking moment of our lives.
It's an instructive lesson to any company with less than a billion users of its products or services: no matter how good you may already be, there's always the potential to do better, and if you're not willing to change and do the scary new thing, someone else will. Adapt or die.
It is a syntax error to write FORTRAN while not wearing a blue tie.
Having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.
The planning stages took 18 months, from the point at which I decided we could now do it, through buying a suitable vehicle, kitting it out, doing a wilderness first aid course, 4x4 driving course, mechanics course and getting my truck driving licence, route planning, visa research, malaria and other disease research, etc etc. It was a long list!
China is well aware that it has lost its advantage, and its leaders want to use the same technologies that have leveled the playing field to give the country a new strategic edge. In May 2015, China launched a 10-year plan, called Made in China 2025, to modernize its factories with advanced manufacturing technologies, such as robotics, 3-D printing and the Industrial Internet. And then, in July 2015, it launched another national plan, called Internet Plus, “to integrate mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data and the Internet of Things with modern manufacturing.”
When I was 22, I quit my job, and spent five months alone in a house on the Oregon coast. Practicing, writing, recording, exercising, studying, learning. No internet. No TV. No phone. No people. I only drove into the city once a month to see friends and family. The rest was completely disconnected.
Deep learning is essentially a set of techniques that help we to parameterize deep neural network structures, neural networks with many, many layers and parameters.
Everyone feels he was a victim. If you look at them, you wonder, What the fuck were you doing in that situation? It was everyone else’s fault? You can’t blame everything on Mao. He was responsible, he was the mastermind, but in order to reach that level of social destruction—an entire generation has to reflect.
1985年秋季,微软在纽约用一场豪华的发布活动向世人展示了Window 1.0操作系统。乔布斯得知后,非常愤怒,他命令下属“叫盖茨立刻过来”。盖茨“单刀赴会”,在被十位苹果员工包围下面对着破口大骂的乔布斯:“我信任你,而你却在偷我们的东西!” “好了,史蒂夫,我觉得我们可以换一种方式来看待这个问题。”盖茨之后说出了科技界最经典的反驳之一。“我觉得现在的情况更接近与这样——我们都有个有钱的邻居,叫施乐。我闯进他们家准备偷电视的时候,发现你已经把它盗走了。”
Stemming from the idea of the hypertext, the hyperlink provided a diversity and decentralisation that the real world lacked. The hyperlink represented the open, interconnected spirit of the world wide web — a vision that started with its inventor, Tim Berners-Lee. The hyperlink was a way to abandon centralization — all the links, lines and hierarchies — and replace them with something more distributed, a system of nodes and networks.
2012年2月26日,17岁的非洲裔美国男孩Trayvon Martin死了。那晚,他穿着一件灰色的连帽衫,在商店买了一袋糖果和一瓶冰红茶,准备去拜访他的父亲。桑福德市社区联防队长George Zimmerman认为他行动可疑,尾随上去,两个人发生口角,Trayvon Martin遭枪杀。George Zimmerman辩解,他只是觉得穿着连帽衫的这个人看起来像罪犯,开枪是出于正当防卫,最终并未受法律制裁。
The things that matter aren't necessarily the ones people would call "important." Having coffee with a friend matters. You won't feel later like that was a waste of time.
uncompleted tasks take up room in the mind, which then limits clarity and focus.
I stop working and I want to go do something which doesn’t involve the internet at all. I like sports. I like reading. If I play games, it’s mostly Nintendo games which absolutely are not online. I like concerts. I like eating out, in old-fashioned restaurants. I like sitting on buses and going places. One of my major criteria for buying things is whether they can do their job without a network connection
I think that my job is to observe people and the world, and not to judge them. I always hope to position myself away from so-called conclusions. I would like to leave everything wide open to all the possibilities in the world.
The good thing about writing books is that you can dream while you are awake. If it’s a real dream, you cannot control it. When writing the book, you are awake; you can choose the time, the length, everything. I write for four or five hours in the morning and when the time comes, I stop. I can continue the next day. If it’s a real dream, you can’t do that.
When I’m in writing mode for a novel, I get up at four a.m. and work for five to six hours. In the afternoon, I run for ten kilometers or swim for fifteen hundred meters (or do both), then I read a bit and listen to some music. I go to bed at nine p.m. I keep to this routine every day without variation.
In my books and stories, women are mediums, in a sense; the function of the medium is to make something happen through herself. It’s a kind of system to be experienced. The protagonist is always led somewhere by the medium and the visions that he sees are shown to him by her.
I think memory is the most important asset of human beings. It’s a kind of fuel; it burns and it warms you.
New research recently found that starting at age 25, we lose more friends than we make each year.
Write programs that are small, simple and transparent. Write them so that they do only one thing, but do it well and can work together with other programs.
I have lived my life more fully in the past two years than I ever thought I could, and all of it due to getting cancer.
The news provides information in infinite volume but very limited depth, and it’s clearly meant to agitate us more than educate us.
I have a dream, friends. I have a dream of a world where people can sit through long, dull conversations, without feeling the need to douse themselves with instant-gratification delivered through glowing plastic screens.
世界的变化不是「大家都开始用微信/Facebook了」。世界的变化是越来越多人开始反思离不开微信/Facebook 的生活究竟有什么问题了。
It is worth noting that Chinese apps tend to combine as many features as possible into one application. This is in stark contrast to Western apps, which lean towards “app constellations”.
Computer science is the study of what computers (can) do; programming is the practice of making computers do things.
Writing begets writing; the more I do it, the easier it is to do it more.
Chinese entrepreneurs are totally pragmatic. They just want to find the fastest way to win. As cloning reaches its max, the next fastest way to win is innovation.
In 2016, China’s mobile payments hit $5.5 trillion, roughly 50 times the size of America’s $112 billion market, according to consulting firm iResearch.
In Japan in the early 2000s, flip phones could do everything from stream cable TV to pay at stores. But because the phones were so advanced, Japan was slow to adopt smartphones, and it went from tech giant to tech laggard in 15 years.
The researchers then test the bot with a bunch of big philosophical questions. “What is the purpose of living?” they ask one day. The chatbot’s answer hits me as if it were a personal challenge. “To live forever,” it says.
I am teaching the bot what my dad has actually said; should I also encode remarks that he likely would say in certain situations? How can I mitigate my own subjectivity as the bot’s creator—and ensure that it feels authentic to my whole family and not just to me? Does the bot uniformly present itself as my actual dad, or does it ever break the fourth wall and acknowledge that it is a computer? Should the bot know that he (my dad) has cancer? Should it be able to empathetically respond to our grief or to say “I love you”?
The bot of the future, whose component technologies are all under development today, will be able to know the details of a person’s life far more robustly than my current creation does. It will converse in extended, multiturn exchanges, remembering what has been said and projecting where the conversation might be headed. The bot will mathematically model signature linguistic patterns and personality traits, allowing it not only to reproduce what a person has already said but also to generate new utterances. The bot, analyzing the intonation of speech as well as facial expressions, will even be emotionally perceptive.
The idea is to balance linear thinking—which requires intense focus—with creative thinking, which is borne out of idleness. Switching between the two modes seems to be the optimal way to do good, inventive work.
Perhaps we now need to engineer scarcity in our communications, in our interactions, and in the things we consume. Otherwise our lives become like a Morse code transmission that’s lacking breaks—a swarm of noise blanketing the valuable data beneath.
"1. Make a long walk—without your phone—a part of your daily routine; 2. Get out of your comfort zone; 3. Make more time for fun and games; 4. Alternate between doing focused work and activities that are less intellectually demanding."
Once you get into flow it’s not too hard to keep going.
When I was an Israeli paratrooper a general stopped by to give us a little speech about strategy. In infantry battles, he told us, there is only one strategy: Fire and Motion. You move towards the enemy while firing your weapon. The firing forces him to keep his head down so he can’t fire at you. (That’s what the soldiers mean when they shout “cover me.” It means, “fire at our enemy so he has to duck and can’t fire at me while I run across this street, here.” It works.) The motion allows you to conquer territory and get closer to your enemy, where your shots are much more likely to hit their target. If you’re not moving, the enemy gets to decide what happens, which is not a good thing. If you’re not firing, the enemy will fire at you, pinning you down.
You have to move forward a little bit, every day. It doesn’t matter if your code is lame and buggy and nobody wants it. If you are moving forward, writing code and fixing bugs constantly, time is on your side.
Fire and Motion, for small companies like mine, means two things. You have to have time on your side, and you have to move forward every day. Sooner or later you will win.
Scheme的目标是简洁,Common Lisp提供了强大的工业级支持,Racket提供了一种创造语言和设计实践的平台,Emacs Lisp主要用于Emacs中。
common lisp采用的是静态作用域。在foo中寻找y的绑定时,它检查函数foo的定义环境。emacs lisp采用的是动态作用域。在foo中寻找y的绑定时,它检查函数foo的执行环境。
跨界在今天已经是令人难以忍受的 cliché。但正如日本人集体怀念昭和精神恰恰说明昭和精神已死,人人强调跨界的重要,正表明各种结界日益牢固。
Everybody is watching a play and are busy talking about the play while the play is underway.
Aristotle says “we like what we are good at.”
Each day is precious. And the most important parts of our lives are the relationships we invest in.
The main category we'll be concerning ourselves with in this article is Hask, which treats Haskell types as objects and Haskell functions as morphisms and uses (.) for composition
As Shannon put it, "it seems to be much easier to make two small jumps than the one big jump in any kind of mental thinking.
There's a reason why, as Shannon put, "someone who is quite green to a problem" will sometimes be the one to solve it: They are unconstrained by the biases that build up over time.
StackOverflow 分析了其网站上各编程语言的标签的访问情况:发达国家喜欢用 Python、R(重视科研)、C与C++(重视教育);欠发达国家喜欢 PHP 与 Android 开发。
• Life 1.0 (biological stage): evolves its hardware and software • Life 2.0 (cultural stage): evolves its hardware, designs much of its software • Life 3.0 (technological stage): designs its hardware and software
Pay attention to things you’re not supposed to. If you’re curious about something, trust your instincts. Don’t believe what you’re supposed to.
Expressing ideas helps to form them. In a real essay you’re thinking out loud.
The point of FP is to face the complexity, own it, and control it, not shove it inside some unmaintained helper function or say it's a problem for some "other department" to deal with.
Fundamentally, in the "FP" example, the code is laid out in a way that the "correct" usage is obvious: each function, e.g. beat, only depends on the things that are passed into it, and it's output is only depended upon by whoever uses it's return value.
The core of Functional Programming is thinking about data-flow rather than control-flow.
computer science’s innovations rely and build upon its own abstractions.
Trees are nothing more than restricted types of graphs, just with many more rules to follow . A tree will always be a graph, but not all graphs will be trees.
Dreams of love and hope shall never die. 这是杨德昌导演的墓志铭,某种意义上,也是他留给我们最重要的事。
There’s lots of ways to be as a person. And some people express their deep appreciation in different ways. But one of the ways that I believe people express their appreciation to the rest of humanity is to make something wonderful and put it out there. And you never meet the people, you never shake their hands, you never hear their story or tell yours, but somehow, in the act of making something with a great deal of care and love, something is transmitted there. And it’s a way of expressing to the rest of our species our deep appreciation. So we need to be true to who we are, and remember what’s really important to us. That’s what is going to keep Apple Apple, if we keep us us.
Biometrics cannot, and absolutely must not, be used to authenticate an identity. For authentication, you need a password or passphrase. Something that can be independently chosen, changed, and rotated.
I learned that every problem that looks like it might be easy has hard parts, every problem that looks like it might be fun has boring parts, and all problems worth solving are full of dead ends.
Little more than a decade ago Chinese boom towns churned out zips, socks and cigarette lighters. Today the country is at the global frontier of new technology in everything from mobile payments to driverless cars.
If data are the new oil, China’s tech industry has vast reserves in the information generated by the hundreds of millions of its people online—unprotected by privacy rules.
It’s easy to forget that tech has a history. Just as old hardware is regularly tossed and replaced, the Web washes itself clean.
Once you start getting angry it’s hard to stop — an angry person doesn’t really want to calm down, it sort of enjoys being angry. So I finally decided to get rid of the whole thing.
We are all amateur attention economists, hoarding and bartering our moments — or watching them slip away down the cracks of a thousand YouTube clips.
Attention, thus conceived, is an inert and finite resource, like oil or gold: a tradable asset that the wise manipulator auctions off to the highest bidder, or speculates upon to lucrative effect.
Attention, he argued, ‘comes in many forms: love, recognition, heeding, obedience, thoughtfulness, caring, praising, watching over, attending to one’s desires, aiding, advising, critical appraisal, assistance in developing new skills, et cetera.
Good listening was consistently seen as a two-way dialog, rather than a one-way “speaker versus hearer” interaction. The best conversations were active.
Good listeners may challenge assumptions and disagree, but the person being listened to feels the listener is trying to help, not wanting to win an argument.
The hyperlink was my currency six years ago. It represented the open, interconnected spirit of the world wide web – a vision that started with its inventor, Tim Berners-Lee. The hyperlink was a way to abandon centralisation – all the links, lines and hierarchies – and replace them with something more distributed, a system of nodes and networks.
At the same time, these social networks tend to treat native text and pictures – things that are directly posted to them – with a lot more respect. One photographer friend explained to me how the images he uploads directly to Facebook receive many more likes than when he uploads them elsewhere and shares the link on Facebook.
The stream now dominates the way people receive information on the web. Fewer users are directly checking dedicated webpages, instead getting fed by a never-ending flow of information that’s picked for them by complex and secretive algorithms.
When a powerful website – say Google or Facebook – gazes at, or links to, another webpage, it doesn’t just connect it , it brings it into existence; gives it life. Without this empowering gaze, your web page doesn’t breathe. No matter how many links you have placed in a webpage, unless somebody is looking at it, it is actually both dead and blind, and therefore incapable of transferring power to any outside web page.
The stream means you don’t need to open so many websites any more. You don’t need numerous tabs. You don’t even need a web browser. You open the Facebook app on your smartphone and dive in. The mountain has come to you. Algorithms have picked everything for you.
The prominence of the stream today doesn’t just make vast chunks of the internet biased against quality – it also means a deep betrayal to the diversity that the world wide web had originally envisioned.
When Facebook can know us better than our parents with only 150 likes, and better than our spouses with 300 likes, the world appears quite predictable, both for governments and for businesses. And predictability means control.
When I log on to Facebook, my personal television starts. All I need to do is to scroll: New profile pictures by friends, short bits of opinion on current affairs, links to new stories with short captions, advertising, and of course self-playing videos. I occasionally click on the like or share button, read peoples’ comments or leave one, or open an article. But I remain inside Facebook, and it continues to broadcast what I might like. This is not the web I knew when I went to jail. This is not the future of the web. This future is television.
I miss when people took time to be exposed to opinions other than their own, and bothered to read more than a paragraph or 140 characters. I miss the days when I could write something on my own blog, publish on my own domain, without taking an equal time to promote it on numerous social networks; when nobody cared about likes and reshares, and best time to post.
Facebook’s secret algorithms tend to feed us with more of what we have already liked, reinforcing our existing views while reducing our exposure to challenging and different ideas.
By shaping the menus we pick from, technology hijacks the way we perceive our choices and replaces them with new ones. But the closer we pay attention to the options we’re given, the more we’ll notice when they don’t actually align with our true needs.
The average person checks their phone 150 times a day. Why do we do this? Are we making 150 conscious choices?
Addictiveness is maximized when the rate of reward is most variable.
Cornell professor Brian Wansink demonstrated this in his study showing you can trick people into keep eating soup by giving them a bottomless bowl that automatically refills as they eat. With bottomless bowls, people eat 73% more calories than those with normal bowls and underestimate how many calories they ate by 140 calories.
For example, when you you want to look up a Facebook event happening tonight (your reason) the Facebook app doesn’t allow you to access it without first landing on the news feed (their reasons), and that’s on purpose. Facebook wants to convert every reason you have for using Facebook, into their reason which is to maximize the time you spend consuming things.
Culture is not something that begets success, rather, it is a product of it.
Plan in decades. Think in years. Work in months. Live in days.
Facebook is free. Twitter is free. Snapchat is free. Instagram is free. Youtube is free. Video game apps are free. Texting is free. Sexting is free. Skyping is free. Chatting is free. Why would you spend money on anything? Where do you think people spend their time now? Endless entertainment and content, for almost nothing.
Today there is too much of everything and no demand for it. Abundance is wrecking the economy. Too much oil, too much gas. Too many websites and shows and streaming services and apps. Too many subcultures and verticals and genres. How can anyone be heard or seen? How can anything rise above the din?
We’re electing maniacs. We’re more connected than ever and it’s making everyone feel more alone. Connectivity is giving us a constituency of the like-minded. When you can find think-alikes online, there’s no reason to even have a conversation with anyone who thinks differently. We’re retreating back into our subcultures. The only consensus is that there isn’t one.
The system is failing. The way ad revenue works with clickbait is not fulfilling the goal of helping humanity promote truth and democracy.
“Gas is a utility, so is clean water, and connectivity should be too,” said Berners-Lee. “It’s part of life and shouldn’t have an attitude about what you use it for – just like water.”
The reason we have Clojure, Elixr, Swift, Dart, F#, Scala, and Go today is the sheer raw power of our machines. It is that power that enables Eclipse, Vim, EMacs, and IntelliJ. It is that power that allows us to tolerate garbage collection, and to ignore memory, ignore processor speed, ingore efficiency. It is that power that allows us to behave as though all resources are infinite – because, for nearly all intents and purposes, they are.
The "problem" with RSS, that essentially lead to it falling out of favour, is that it is pure consumption, not interaction. You can't "like" an update that comes to you via RSS, nor comment, nor easily share. It's difficult for sites to monetise it, or track, or promote their own agenda.
When information becomes abundant, attention becomes scarce. Advertising has dragged everybody down, even the wealthiest organizations with noble missions, to competing on the terms of click bait.
据美国出版商协会(Association of American Publishers)统计,传统纸质书籍销量已连续第三年增长,而电子书销量正在下滑。
If you can write a program using nothing but the simplest syntax, it is a net win.
If you are used to achieving success by appearing smart… you might hit a ceiling, and you won’t even understand what is happening. There is a difference between appearing to be smart, and being smart.
她说。她的人生信条是“Bahala na”,随遇而安。她得到了另一种家庭。在这个家庭里她有八个孩子:我母亲,我们五个兄弟姐妹,和我的两个女儿。她说,这八个人让她活着有了意义。
«Arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say.» – Edward Snowden
There are three things, once one’s basic needs are satisfied, that academic literature points to as the ingredients for happiness: having meaningful social relationships, being good at whatever it is one spends one’s days doing, and having the freedom to make life decisions independently.
In medieval times, the first universities were established to teach the seven so-called "liberal arts," namely grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy.
Chinese and foreign civil-liberty activists say the surveillance in this northwestern corner of China offers a preview of what is to come nationwide.
According to the executive, Jiang Jun, for every 100,000 people the police in Xinjiang want to monitor, they use the same amount of surveillance equipment that police in other parts of China would use to monitor millions.
The best way to eat less junk food is not to limit yourself with raw willpower, but to eat none at all. Eating just one M&M is a lot harder than eating zero.
These are your choices of types of article or essay: Argument: convinces someone of something; Explanation: tells why something happened instead of something else; Definition: states what a word or concept means; Description: identifies properties or qualities of things
Know what you want to say (in two or three sentences) before you decide to write.
Aaron is dead. Wanderers in this crazy world, we have lost a mentor, a wise elder. Hackers for right, we are one down, we have lost one of our own. Nurturers, carers, listeners, feeders, parents all, we have lost a child. Let us all weep.
The Y combinator is a higher-order function. It takes a single argument, which is a function that isn't recursive. It returns a version of the function which is recursive.
We need two Y combinators because the Y combinator we define for lazy languages will not work for strict languages. The lazy Y combinator is often referred to as the normal-order Y combinator and the strict one is referred to as the applicative-order Y combinator.
Strong typing simply means that every value in the language has one and only one type, whereas weak typing means that some values can have multiple types.
A combinator is just a lambda expression with no free variables.
That function exists, and it's the Y combinator. Y is also known as the fixpoint combinator: it takes in a function and returns its fixpoint.
There’s a way in which you could say that Emacs is a place whereas vi is a tool. One goes or returns to Emacs whereas one opens vi; Emacs lives somewhere in your window manager or process space, whereas vi doesn’t exist when you’re not using it.
The benefits of optimizing one’s workflow are at best uninteresting. But I reflect on the potential of a system that isn’t there when I’m not using it, and that I find very appealing.
If you’re looking for a rule, it’s generally accepted that you should spend about 80% of your time exploiting the knowledge you already have and about 20% exploring new things and looking for a better mousetrap, so to speak.
What’s most likely to distract us on any given day are the things we have a good reason for doing but not a great reason for doing.
Super Mario Odyssey is a garden of many short paths that don’t go anywhere.
Super Mario Odyssey is a game of many wonderful little ideas and no big one. Nintendo is famous for polishing the small details, but nobody seems to be thinking much, yet, about what those details could add up to.
You begin to believe the purpose of the whole endeavor is not to complete anything. It’s to get lost. To forget about what you’re supposed to be doing and for a few sweet hours do what you want.
The urge to return to old successes is powerful. But the things we make can become the tombs we bury ourselves in.
That’s the fear of obsolescence. And that fear makes us rigid. And rigidity is the enemy of invention. While there is a world where they changed Zelda and eliminated or added something that upset the alchemical balance of the series, I’m happy to report we don’t live in it.
I feel compelled to applaud the people on the Breath of the Wild team not just for their vision, but the courage they had to mess with a time-honored formula. It’s easy to change for the sake of change. It’s really hard to do it right.
The victory of Breath of the Wild is multifaceted. You can see it in its nuanced art direction. You can hear it in the meticulous sound design. You can feel it in its tightly tuned systems. But what makes it a masterpiece is that it’s a link to our past, but not a repeat of it.
Programmers are procrastinators. Get in, get some coffee, check the mailbox, read the RSS feeds, read the news, check out latest articles on techie websites, browse through political discussions on the designated sections of the programming forums. Rinse and repeat to make sure nothing is missed. Go to lunch. Come back, stare at the IDE for a few minutes. Check the mailbox. Get some coffee. Before you know it, the day is over.
These articles are hard to get through and take some time, so they start piling up. Before you know it, you have a list of links and a folder full of PDF files and you wish you had a year in a small hut in the middle of the forest with nobody around for miles so you could catch up.
Is 20 (or 50) hours too long to spend on a talk? Well, suppose you have an audience of 500 people. A 30-minute talk will consume 30*500 = 15,000 person-minutes, which is 250 person-hours. Spending 20 of your hours to optimize 250 of other peoples' hours is a good trade-off.
The “Bourne Again shell”, aka bash, is not standardized. Its grammar, features, and behavior aren’t formally written up anywhere, and only one implementation of bash exists. Without a standard, bash is defined by its implementation. POSIX shell, on the other hand, has many competing implementations on many different operating systems - all of which are compatible with each other because they conform to the standard.
The POSIX standard only defines the getopt function - not the proprietary GNU getopt_long function that’s used to interpret long options. As a result, no long flags are standardized.
Success is determined by a zero exit-status or return value, anything else is failure. This makes sense: there may be many ways to fail but there should be exactly one way to succeed.
Makefiles should be dead simple when the project is small, and grow in a predictable, clean fashion alongside the project.
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. ― Robert A. Heinlein
A cognitive process called Proprioception lets you know where your body parts are without needing to look at them. If you shut your eyes, it’s pretty easy to tell where your hands and feel are, right?
Combining visual inputs, vestibular inputs and cognitive processes like proprioception tell us everything we need to know about where we are in the world.
In a nutshell, your inner ear contains a chamber full of fluid with small hairs called cilia affixed to the inside wall. When your body moves the liquid sloshes around and stimulates the cilia, and their motion tells your brain what is happening to your body.
Haskell allows any type to be an instance of any type class as long as the types check out.
Hard documentation is where you describe every argument to a function and its effects. It is like a reference work (think of man pages). Soft documentation are tutorials and examples and more descriptive text.
You’ll need to remember only 3 autovar types: $@ = target $< =
the 1st prereq $^ == all prereqs
In Haskell’s case, the Big Idea was purely functional lazy evaluation (or, if you want to be pedantic, call it “non-strict” instead of lazy). In C++’s case, the Big Idea was high level object orientation without loss of performance compared to C.
For minor tasks (converting between two file formats, for example), I will not use Haskell; I’ll do it Python: It has a better REPL environment, no need to set up a cabal file, it is easier to express simple loops, &c. The easy things are often a bit harder to do in Haskell.
If it compiles, it’s probably correct.
But I’m also very skeptical, and was surprised to find that’s also a philosophy. Meaning: for almost anything on this page, the opposite may also be true. I don’t trust what I tell myself. It’s not a lie — it’s my truth at the time. But an opposite point of view can replace it when I shift my perspective. (I sometimes do this intentionally: do the opposite of my beliefs, just for a different perspective.)
1993: lived alone on the Oregon coast for 7 months, writing and recording music full-time, in a town with a population of 2
My original mission was to live all around the world, everywhere for 6-12 months each, for the next 40 years. I wanted to get embedded into each place until it felt like home, then move and do it again.
I’m very stereotypical American. Well, west-coast American. Meaning: very individualist, live-to-work, nomadic with weak family ties, averse to traditions, my meals usually last just a few minutes, quick to open up emotionally, seeking new ideas and people, always smiling and finding the bright side
I hate waste. I don’t like the feeling of having more than I need. It feels like clutter.
I don’t use any apps on my phone, for this same reason. I don’t want to depend on apps for productivity. Actually I tend to avoid my phone, in general. I just use it for calling friends, or for GPS. No email. No social media. It sits in airplane mode much of the time, then I completely power it off an hour before bed, and turn it back on after I’m done writing in the morning.
I’m very attached to my kid, but I don’t expect him to be attached to me. I don’t want him to feel more tied to some people than others. I hope he ventures out into the world, makes new bonds, and feels no obligation to me. He doesn’t owe me anything. His life is his own. He didn’t ask to be born, and has no debts.
I’m deliberate. I don’t believe in the “I can’t help the way I am” approach to life. Only dead fish go with the flow. I change who I am to get what I want, instead of the other way around.
I want him to have a wide range of inputs into his senses.
For the big Disney/Pixar blockbusters, we watch the Portuguese, French, or Chinese version.
The less you customize the less you rely on, and the easier it becomes to work on whatever $RANDOMSYSTEM you end up on.
Printing a string to the terminal doesn't really have any kind of meaningful return value, so a dummy value of () is used.
Notice that we didn't bind the last putStrLn to anything. That's because in a do block, the last action cannot be bound to a name.
We say that a Θ( 1 ) algorithm is a constant-time algorithm, Θ( n ) is linear, Θ( n2 ) is quadratic and Θ( log( n ) ) is logarithmic
But a program that is O( n2 ) may not be Θ( n2 ). For example, any program that is Θ( n ) is also O( n2 ) in addition to being O( n ).
Because the O-complexity of an algorithm gives an upper bound for the actual complexity of an algorithm, while Θ gives the actual complexity of an algorithm, we sometimes say that the Θ gives us a tight bound.
So Ω gives us a lower bound for the complexity of our algorithm. Similarly to ο, we can write ω if we know that our bound isn't tight. For example, a Θ( n3 ) algorithm is ο( n4 ) and ω( n2 ). Ω( n ) is pronounced "big omega of n", while ω( n ) is pronounced "small omega of n".
The reason we use O and Ω instead of Θ even though O and Ω can also give tight bounds is that we may not be able to tell if a bound we've found is tight, or we may just not want to go through the process of scrutinizing it so much.
An all-powerful abstraction is a meaningless one (you’ve just got a new word for “thing”), while a tightly constrained abstraction could only be a few things.
That sweet, sweet fusion of wonder and fear, irresistible attraction and soul-numbing dread known as awe.
Someday soon, perhaps even in our lifetime, a game design will appear that will flash across our culture like lightning. It will be easy to recognize. It will be generous, giddy with exuberant inventiveness. Scholars will pick it apart for decades, perhaps centuries. It will be something wonderful. Something terrifying. Something awe-full.
The mean negative log-likelihood converges to a non-random function, and that non-random function takes its minimum at the correct answer to our question.
The work of science is to substitute facts for appearances, and demonstrations for impressions.
The zero-overhead principle is a guiding principle for the design of C++. It states that: What you don’t use, you don’t pay for (in time or space) and further: What you do use, you couldn’t hand code any better.
The S in IoT stands for Security.
微信是商业逻辑下的 GFW。GFW 是行政逻辑下的微信。
The goals of PCA are: (1) minimize redundancy in our data set and (2) preserve maximal variance within the data.
My days consisted of walking around downtown, keeping a charge on my phone, calling people looking for work and reading tutorials that I couldn’t really put into practice. My limited time at the library was spent trying to write code in a browser because I could not download the editor that I preferred. Yes, I also tried to write code on my phone. The projects I started never went anywhere and I never received any work.
First do it, then do it right, then do it better.
Fail fast, learn soon.
Pareto's law states that 80% of the results come from 20% of features (effort) of your application.
For several theoretical reasons, the most commonly used distribution in modeling real-world unimodal data is the Gaussian distribution.
A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night, and in between does what he wants to do.
The claim isn’t that technical debt doesn’t matter. It matters. The claim here is merely that a passion for good code can cloud our judgment — via the affect heuristic — about the importance of paying down technical debt relative to other goals.
The claim here is merely that a passion for good code can cloud our judgment — via the affect heuristic — about the importance of paying down technical debt relative to other goals.
Good engineering is maybe 20 percent of a project’s success. Bad engineering will certainly sink projects, but modest engineering can enable project success as long as the other 80 percent lines up right…
Observers have noted that many of these new devices are in their “awkward adolescence.” That is because they are in their gestation phase. Like PCs in the 70s, the internet in the 80s, and smartphones in the early 2000s, we are seeing pieces of a future that isn’t quite here. But the future is coming: markets go up and down, and excitement ebbs and flows, but computing technology marches steadily forward.
Second-order thinking is more deliberate. It is thinking in terms of interactions and time, understanding that despite our intentions our interventions often cause harm.
We’re surrounded by so much information that is of immediate interest to us that we feel overwhelmed by the never-ending pressure of trying to keep up with it all.
What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it.
We’re afraid of silence, afraid to be alone with our thoughts. That’s why we pull out our phones when we’re waiting in line at a coffee shop or the grocery store. We’re afraid to ask ourselves deep and meaningful questions. We’re afraid to be bored. We’re so afraid that to avoid it, we’ll literally drive ourselves crazy consuming pointless information.
At present, three narratives are competing to be the way we understand deep learning. There’s the neuroscience narrative, drawing analogies to biology. There’s the representations narrative, centered on transformations of data and the manifold hypothesis. Finally, there’s a probabilistic narrative, which interprets neural networks as finding latent variables. These narratives aren’t mutually exclusive, but they do present very different ways of thinking about deep learning.
Forward-mode differentiation tracks how one input affects every node. Reverse-mode differentiation tracks how every node affects one output.
Each layer stretches and squishes space, but it never cuts, breaks, or folds it. Intuitively, we can see that it preserves topological properties. For example, a set will be connected afterwards if it was before (and vice versa).
To be sure, China’s motivation was not necessarily protectionism, at least in the economic sense: what mattered most to the country’s ruling Communist Party was control of the flow of information.
This is the true war when it comes to technology: censorship versus openness, control versus creativity, and centralization versus competition. These are, of course, connected: China’s censorship is about control facilitated by centralization. That, though, should not only give Western tech companies and investors pause about China generally, but should also led to serious introspection about the appropriate policies towards our own tech industry. Openness, creativity, and competition are just as related as their counterparts, and infringement on any one of them should be taken as a threat to all three.
Idempotent scripts can be called multiple times and each time it’s called, it will have the same effects on the system. This means, a second call will exit with the same result and won’t have any side effects.
"What they find disturbing is that many Chinese people are conditioned to see speaking the truth as trouble-making, and to see journalism as synonymous with government propaganda. The result is a kind of dissociation from truth. A saying popular among young people online goes, “I’m just one of the melon-eating masses.” It means that a person is only a passive onlooker, with neither the means nor the interest to know what’s truly going on."
"It means that if we write things that are critical of China, or if we’re singing the praises of America, we will be less popular with our readers."
"当我们要描述一个现代3D游戏的基础实现水平时,常常会用到一个名为“3C”的概念:这个概念包括3个由C开头的单词,也就是角色动画(Character Animation),镜头控制(Camera)和玩家操作(Control)。3C这个层次的设计,一般被认为是游戏性设计(Gameplay Design)中最重要的模块:它比引擎、渲染、组件这些“基础”层的东西要高,但又不像系统、关卡、数值这些“设计”层的东西那样能被玩家直观地感知到。"
"Oppression in China is real and effective. But in order to live everyday life, most people living in China find it necessary to turn a blind eye until it affects them directly."
"Every time we go through a wave of automation, whole classes of jobs go away, but new classes of jobs get created. There is frictional pain and dislocation in that process, and sometimes the new jobs go to different people in different places, but over time the total number of jobs doesn’t go down, and we have all become more prosperous."
"所謂愛國,很明顯並不是愛當下執政的政府 government,因為一個愛國者顯然可以反對政府的施政,卻絲毫不妨礙他的愛國。其次,愛國也不必然認同當下的政權或者政治體制 the state,因為發動革命推翻政權的人,往往也是非常愛國的人,歷史上屢見不鮮。「愛國」的「國」通常指國族或者民族 the nation,也就是一個共享著某種身份認同的族群,由其歷史、語言、文化、風土、習俗、生活方式等構成。"
"Take-two在一般玩家印象中是GTA和荒野大镖客的买断制单机3A巨头,但实际上财报老实交代,公司收入主要来自NBA抽球星卡和GTA OL,还有收购回来的两家手游巨头Zynga和Peak的休闲赌博游戏,无主、大镖客、文明们在财报角落里扮演“其他”的角色。"